'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
A low-carbon solution that reduces heating bills by up to 80%.
Lever of actionThe R' Booster low-carbon solution can reduce the heating bill and carbon footprint of steel-frame buildings by up to 80%. It is 3 times more powerful than photovoltaic.
The R' Booster solution turns the walls of metal buildings into giant radiators. In winter, when it is only 10°C outside, it is possible to recover air at 51°C. This allows to heat in winter, to cool at night in summer, and to dry foodstuffs or materials.
The solution is aimed at all owners and users of metal buildings (offices, industrial, commercial, storage, agricultural). That is more than 16 million m2 each year in France alone.
The R' Booster solution is more versatile, more efficient and less expensive. Moreover, R' Booster has the International Solar Impulse Label and is protected by 2 patents.