
Justine Mesnard

Shareholder since 2021-07-11

Directrice commerciale - OpenClassrooms

Their company  : Openclassrooms

9 collaborators shareholders

"Originaire du sud de la France, je vis à Paris depuis 10 ans. J'ai rejoint OpenClassrooms en 2018, pour contribuer à faire du numérique une opportunité pour toutes et tous, et ce grâce à la formation. Mon autre sujet d'intérêt depuis toujours est la protection de notre planète. Diplômée d'une licence de physique, j'aurais pu dans une autre vie être chercheuse !"


2021: the year of the first selections and companies' creations. A memorable date, because on top of all that, it marks your arrival at Time!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to everyone who has acquired at least one share in 2021. There are currently 30068 shareholders who carry it.
Everyone does their part and it counts!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 100 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 36833 shareholders who carry it.
Let's go for the buzz!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to everyone who owns at least 50 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 59668 shareholders who carry it.
Selfless and brilliant!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 10 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 113345 shareholders who carry it.
It's not the size that counts, it's the ant hill!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 1 Team for the Planet share. There are currently 127898 shareholders who carry it.


Why I became a Team for the Planet shareholder

J'ai envie de contribuer à ce projet collectif qui vise à trouver des solutions concrètes au plus grand défi de notre temps.

Would you like to join Justine Mesnard and fight climate change on a large scale?