"Punkty Team" przyznawane są w zależności od przydatności rozwiązania do rodzaju innowacji, których poszukuje Team for the Planet. Odpowiadają one analizie kilku czynników:
Poddane pod ocenę : Po wstępnym przefiltrowaniu w celu sprawdzenia, czy odpowiadają one na jeden z 20 problemów poruszonych przez Team for the Planet i czy mają oczekiwany stopień dojrzałości, innowacje podlegają ocenie.
The current traditional turbines work almost all with a single fluid while our device, being multifunctional, will work with any fluid under pressure. Also while the other traditional turbines have the generator connected externally, our innovation has the generator included internally
The toroidal turbine is multifunctional to produce electricity, and can be driven by any fluid under pressure such as water, compressed air, steam, nitrogen, pipeline gas, but being also reversible if driven by electricity it becomes a compressor or hydraulic pump.
The customers are all electricity producers such as hydroelectric power plants; producers of electricity with steam from thermoelectric and thermonuclear power plants; pipeline operators to produce electricity with gas pressure but without burning it
Our toroidal turbine has a very high energy efficiency both in the consumption of electricity as a compressor or hydraulic pump and as the generation of electricity, and produces much more electricity than traditional generators