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"Punkty Team" przyznawane są w zależności od przydatności rozwiązania do rodzaju innowacji, których poszukuje Team for the Planet. Odpowiadają one analizie kilku czynników:

  • potencjał oddziaływania: średnia ocena oddziaływania> 4 = > 0,5 punktu / jeśli > 4,15 = > 1 punkt.
  • ogólna spójność: wszystkie średnie wyniki z 6 kryteriów wyboru > 2,5 = > 1 punkt.
  • faworyt: % ocen, które oceniają innowacyjność jako najważniejszą, aby działać na dużą skalę przeciwko gazom cieplarnianym > 20% = > 1 punkt
  • targetowanie: walidacja zakresu interwencji Team większego niż 90% = > 0,5 punktu + poziom dojrzałości wystarczającego inno = > 0,5 punktu
  • akceptacja społeczna: wynik analizy semantycznej komentarzy > 0 = > 0,5 punktu/ jeśli > 3500 = > 1 punkt
57 oceny

Poddane pod ocenę : Po wstępnym przefiltrowaniu w celu sprawdzenia, czy odpowiadają one na jeden z 20 problemów poruszonych przez Team for the Planet i czy mają oczekiwany stopień dojrzałości, innowacje podlegają ocenie.

A smart electrical switchboard for buildings and territory energy efficiency.

Zastosowana dźwignia działania
Efficacité énergétique
Sektor biznesowy
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Data przedłożenia 2 sierpnia 2022 Założyciele Muriel Etievant Miejsce rozwoju Nice, Francja

Projekt w szczegółach

Uwaga: ten formularz jest wypełniany w całości przez osoby proponujące innowację.

Jaki problem został rozwiązany?

Energy demand will rise 30% by 2040 (IEA). The building sector represents 44% of the energy consumed in France. At the heart of the electrical network and consumption, the electrical switchboard has a major role to play, but its potential is under-exploited because of 50 years old mechanical circuit breakers technology.

W jaki sposób został rozwiązany?

For Smart Buildings: Oghji replaces the electrical panel. It groups the electrical circuits and distributes the electricity in the building in complete safety. Protection: Oghji protects the various circuits, devices and people by detecting short circuits and leakage of electricity to the ground. In which case it instantly trips the damaged circuit. It alerts in the event of an electrical incident and allows to establish a diagnosis from the recording of events. In the event of a disaster, oghji will act as a black box. Besides protection, oghji is an energy management tool. Its many features allow optimized management of electricity consumption: Measure: Thanks to sensors, oghji allows fine measurement of consumption of each circuit in real time. It provides detailed reports with comparisons by period and by usage in kWh, Euros and Human Effort. Alerts: Thanks to the analysis of the measured data, oghji will be able to identify a circuit default or an unusual consumption (i.e. overconsumption or non-consumption) and alert the user. Consumption management: The user will be able to program hourly consumption routines, presence/absence/holidays, day/night, and according to the tariff periods thanks to the integration of the subscription data of his electricity supplier. In the event of high consumption, Oghji will automatically and punctually unload the low-priority circuit(s), such as the water heater, so as never to exceed the subscribed power. Comfort: All of Oghji's features are available via a digital screen that can be remote and installed in a strategic location for building management or as close as possible to the living area. Thanks to Oghji’s connectivity, they are also accessible via a web interface and a simple and intuitive mobile application allowing remote control, alerts and multi-panel management. For Smart Cities: Once Oghji switchboards are established in a territory (such as an eco-district), Oghji becomes a Smart Grid sensor for monitoring and optimizing energy flows. Consumption data is reported and aggregated on a digital platform to be used as part of a Smart City program: Real-time and predictive analysis sensor and interface (identification and forecast of consumption peaks for specific uses), aggregation usage data usage by usage. Thanks to the remote control of the circuits, the operator will have the flexibility to modulate consumption by sending flexible load-shedding orders on low-priority circuits or, on the contrary, by favouring the recharging of batteries or the power supply of energy-intensive appliances when green and local energy is available.

Kim są potencjalni klienci?

Each building in the world is equipped with an electrical switchboard. 20 million electrical switchboards are sold every year in the world, 1 million in France alone. In France, new residential building, excluding social housing, represents a potential of 300K units per year. While home renovation represents a potential of 250K units (from 500K units that the national objectives aim to efficiently renovate every year). In 2021, 264K housing units were built or renovated in eco-districts with more than 500 labelled eco-districts in France as of today. We are targeting medium-high class households but also offices, stores, small industries concerned by the tertiary decree, public and private community buildings. Oghji has already generated traction among: - Individuals, for home automation and connectivity, - Professionals, for energy savings, - Electricians, to enrich their home automation offer, - Building professionals, for modern and ecological construction, - Institutions and energy operators, for their Smart City and Sustainable Development programs. The initial revenue stream will come from selling oghji switchboards through prescribers such as electricians and engineering studios and via partnerships for which we already have formally expressed intent from Enedis-D, Montpellier Metropole, Avelis off-site construction, Le Foyer Remois social landlord.

Czym różni się to rozwiązanie?

In regards of electrical protection: Oghji natively integrates all current sensors in each circuit using digital technology. The firmware embedded in the heart of the switchboard, allows, thanks to algorithms specific to Oghji, to monitor in real-time the state of the network, and to cut the circuits instantly in the event of an electrical fault detected, without risk of overheating, electric arc, and damage to contactors. We have built the digital tripping unit and validated it in a normative laboratory in January 2023. In regards to energy management: With Oghji, the calibration of the circuits is programmed dynamically. The consumption measurement and control functionalities are integrated NATIVELY on ALL circuits. And thanks to its embedded software and connectivity, these features are evolutive and do not require the purchase and installation of additional physical modules. Oghji is the first electrical switchboard that positions itself as a responsible energy management solution for individuals and SmartEnergy programs. OGHJI is an “all in one” digital and connected electrical switchboard for energy savings [Smart Home] and flows optimization [Smart City].